Pure Fellowship Field Day!! (combined ages) free!

By singleadults (other events)

Friday, June 1 2018 7:00 PM 9:00 PM PDT

Join us for our 2nd Pure Fellowship Event: FIELD DAY! (combined ages)

Friday, June 1st 7:00pm at the Church Ministry Field.

Jenga, potato sack races, water balloon toss and so much more!                                   (the events we chose are all low impact, but if you don't want to participate in the events come and either be a referee, helper or just come hang out and watch!)

Attire: workout/active clothing (preferably no white shirts please)

Disclaimer: there is a chance you may perspire, you may get water on you!!!!                 Water and popsicles provided.

Contact us at: [email protected] for more info or to be a referee or helper